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This beautiful rare etched morganite specimen carries magnificent energy. It's like a super-charged rose quartz. This beautiful piece has tiny speckles of black tourmaline inclusions. It is considered medium size. Morganite is a more rare material found in Madagascar.




Morganite symbolizes divine love and compassion as it works on the heart chakra. Morganite opens the heart on another level and helps us surrender to Divine love and shows us our life path more clearly. You feel a sense of peace, joy and inner strength while holding morganite. 'Pink Emerald' is its nickname as it helps us to open to abundance of the heart and prosperity of love. Physically, morganite supports the physical heart by strengthening its energy field.


Weight: 7.3g

Size: 2.2cm highX2.1cm wideX1.2cm deep



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SKU: Morg#16
C$43.00 Regular Price
C$32.25Sale Price
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